Energy efficiency for businesses: Reducing operational costs

Image is of an unused light bulb laying on a table. It goes with Lexicon Electrical's blog post about energy efficiency for businesses.

We all hear about the constant power increases. Due to this, many businesses look for ways to reduce operational.

One of the most effective strategies is to focus on energy efficiency. 

Implementing energy-saving practices can cut down on your energy bill. And it contributes to a more sustainable environment.

Let’s take a look at some practical energy-saving ideas for your business that can:

  • help you save on energy costs, and 
  • boost your company’s efficiency. 

Do an energy audit

It’s hard to improve your energy efficiency without understanding your current energy usage.

An energy audit can help identify areas: 

  • where your business is wasting energy, and
  • provide a roadmap for improvements. 

Many electricity companies offer energy audits.

Upgrade to energy-efficient equipment

Investing in energy-efficient office equipment can lead to substantial savings. Look for appliances and devices with an Energy Rating Label. For example, switching from desktop computers to laptops can reduce energy consumption by up to 80%.

Install smart thermostats

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are major energy consumers in any business. Installing programmable or smart  thermostats can help regulate the temperature more efficiently. This ensures that heating and cooling systems are only used when necessary.  This can lead to significant energy savings, especially during off-peak hours.

Encourage energy-saving practices among employees

Creating a culture of energy efficiency in the workplace is crucial. Educate employees about the importance of energy-saving practices. And encourage them to turn off lights, computers, and other equipment when not in use. Unplugging devices to avoid standby power consumption can also make a big difference.

Upgrade your lighting

Lighting can account for a significant part of a business’s energy use. Consider installing motion sensors and timers to ensure lights are only on when needed.

Also, LED lighting is much more energy-efficient than light bulbs. Upgrading to LED lighting can save up to 80% on your lighting costs.

Improve insulation and seal leaks

Proper insulation and sealing gaps in your building can prevent heat loss in the winter and keep cool air inside during the summer. This reduces the need for heating and cooling, leading to lower energy bills. 

Doing regular checks to ensure your insulation is effective will help you address any leaks as they arise.

Use power strips and smart plugs

Many office devices consume energy even when turned off, known as phantom loads. Using power strips and smart plugs can help lower this waste by allowing you to easily turn off multiple devices at once.  

Some smart plugs can be programmed to turn off automatically during non-working hours.

Tracking energy usage

Regularly monitoring your energy usage can help you identify trends and areas for improvement. Use energy management software to track consumption and set goals for reducing energy use. 

This data-driven approach can help you make informed decisions and measure the impact of your energy-saving initiatives.

Leverage government incentives

There are often incentives and rebates for businesses that invest in energy-efficient technologies. The Australian Government’s Energy Efficiency Grant for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises is one example.

Taking advantage of these opportunities can help offset the initial costs of upgrades and improvements.

Implementing these energy-saving ideas not only reduces your operational costs. But it also makes your business more sustainable and environmentally conscious.

Are you ready to save on your business’s power bill?

Get in touch to see how we can help you save on your energy bill.