Electrical safety tips for renovating your commercial or retail space

Image is the inside of an empty commercial space that looks like it's being renovated.

As a business owner or retailer, renovating your space is exciting. New fixtures, fresh paint, and updated decor can bring new life into your commercial or retail space. 

But one thing that’s often overlooked during renovations, and that’s the electrical stuff. If not planned correctly, it can turn your dream renovation into a nightmare.

But amid the thrill of transformation lurks a hidden danger: electrical hazards. One wrong move could lead to injury, property damage, or worse. Don’t let your dream renovation turn into a nightmare! 

Here are our top electrical tips to keep your business and employees safe during renovations.

1. Use experienced electricians

Electrical systems are complex and can be dangerous. This makes an experienced electrician a crucial part of your renovation process.

They’ll ensure all electrical work meets local codes and safety standards. Remember, your business’s safety is important. And using an experienced qualified electrician can prevent a whole lot of stress.

2. Conduct a pre-renovation inspection

Before the first hammer swings, have your electrician perform a thorough inspection. 

This can help uncover:

  • outdated wiring
  • overloaded circuits, or
  • other hidden dangers

that could spell trouble during renovations.

3. Replace old, damaged wiring

Renovations offer a perfect opportunity to inspect and update your electrical system. Old, frayed, or exposed wiring is a ticking time bomb that shouldn’t be ignored. 

If your building is over 40 years old, a complete rewiring might be necessary. Yes, it’s an investment, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

4. Install adequate circuit protection

During renovations, your electrical needs may change dramatically.  New equipment, lighting, or appliances can overload your existing circuits. 

Work with your electrician to install proper circuit breakers. And consider adding ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) in areas prone to moisture. These devices can prevent electrical fires and shocks, potentially saving lives and your business.

5. Keep water away from electricity

Renovations often mean more tools and equipment plugged in simultaneously. Don’t fall into the trap of overloading outlets. This is a recipe for disaster! 

Work with your electrician to install more outlets where needed. It might seem like a hassle now, but it’s far better than dealing with a fire later.

6. Beware of overloading power outlets

Proper insulation and sealing gaps in your building can prevent heat loss in the winter and keep cool air inside during the summer. This reduces the need for heating and cooling, leading to lower energy bills. 

Doing regular checks to ensure your insulation is effective will help you address any leaks as they arise.

7. Update your emergency systems

While focusing on aesthetics, don’t neglect critical safety systems. Ensure smoke detectors and emergency lighting are properly installed and functioning. Consider adding a backup generator to keep essential systems running during power outages. 

These precautions could save your business and employees and clients in an emergency.

8. Plan for future needs

While you’re renovating, think ahead. Install extra outlets, consider smart lighting systems, and plan for future tech upgrades. It’s easier (and cheaper) to do it now than to tear up your beautiful new space later. 

Remember, electrical safety isn’t a one-time consideration. Even after renovations are complete, regular inspections and electrical maintenance are crucial. 

Schedule annual inspections with an electrician to catch potential issues before they become major problems. 

Renovating your commercial or retail space is exciting. But don’t let it cloud your judgment when it comes to electrical safety. By following our tips and prioritising safety, you can ensure your newly renovated space isn’t only beautiful – it’s secure.

Invest in proper electrical safety during your renovation. It’s an investment that will pay dividends in peace of mind and protection for years to come. Your employees, customers, and future self will thank you!

Need an experienced commercial electrician for your commercial or retail renovation?

Get in touch to see how we can help you.